Welcome to libcipher’s documentation!


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The goal of this project is to learn and implement the best practices, in writing and maintaining a Python package. For this purpose, we implement a Python package containing cipher functions from the book “Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python”.


The package can be installed using the following command

$ pip install git+git://github.com/chennaipy/libcipher.git


After cloning the repository, create a new virtual environment

$ virtualenv env

Next, activate this environment

$ source env/bin/activate

You can now install the package in development mode using the following command

$ python3 setup.py develop

You can execute the unit tests, using the following command

$ python3 setup.py test

You can build the documentation, using the following commands

$ pip install -r doc-requirements.txt
$ cd doc
$ make html

Contributing Guidelines

Before sending a pull request, please ensure the following:

  • The code has been checked for PEP8 compliance using the pep8 tool.
  • Unit test cases have been added for the new functionality, and the line coverage is 100%.
  • Docstrings have been added to public functions, that they adhere to Google Docstring Convention.
  • The API manual has been updated, to display the documentation for any new modules added.
  • The changelog has been updated, to indicate the change made along with the issue no. on GitHub. The changelog is to be in releases format.

Indices and tables